Showing posts with label garamay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garamay. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Fruits of the Philippines

To all foreigners who want to know the different fruits of the Philippines in the Filipino language, here they are:

Mango = mangga (mang-ga)

Banana = saging (sa-ging)

Black palm = duhat (du-hat)

Monkeypod = kamatsile (ka-ma-tsi-le)

Spanish plum = sinigwelas (si-nig-we-las)

Cashew = kasoy (ka-soy)

Chinese-laurel, Herbert River-cherry, Queensland-cherry, salamander-tree, wild-cherry, currant tree = bignay (big-nay)

Star apple = kaimito /kaymito (ka-i-mi-to) (kay-mi-to)

Star fruit = balimbing (ba-lim-bing)

Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Custard apple = anonas (a-no-nas)

Sugar-apple, sweetsop, custard apple = atis (a-tis)

Muntingia = aratiles (a-ra-ti-les)

Gooseberry = garamay/karamay (ga-ra-may/ ka-ra-may)

Sapodilla = chico/tsiko (chi-ko/tsi-ko)

Wax apple, Java apple, water apple = makopa (ma-ko-pa)

Guava = bayabas (ba-ya-bas)

Soursop = guyabano (gu-ya-ba-no)

Lanzones = lansones (lan-so-nes)